Not the Summer I was Expecting

Every kid that goes to school loves summer and spends the whole school year counting the minutes till summer vacation when they are free to spend all day with friends in the sun at the beach or shopping. Don’t get me wrong I was that kid this school year, I knew I would have to have a job, I’m 19 and in college, a job is necessary if I want to afford anything next year. But I was still excited about summer,  the sun, my friends, no stress from school it would have been great; if reality hadn’t caught up so quickly. I never had many friends in high school, I had tons of acquaintances, sure, but really no good friends. Until this last year at Western I became best friends with one of those acquaintances.. Other than her I  don’t have any close friends in my hometown, all my close friends from college live at least an hour away d they have their own friends at home to hang out with and catch up with. So my summer has been pretty lonely so far. To make matters better my boyfriend is still in Bellingham and since he is doing summer school at the college and working on top of that it is  hard to make time together. One plus to not having anybody to hang out with i that me and my sister have become really close really quick, we never got along before  but I think we are both old enough to understand that we were born to be friends, we don’t have a choice.

In addition to being without friends, I am in general just without people. I am used to living in the dorms with people always with me i was rarely alone and I came to love the constant company. At home it is me and my sister most of the day and now that my sister got her license she can drive by herself and go visit her boyfriend which leaves me alone again. It’s depressing, I really do think it is making me depressed being so alone and sad and I hate it.

Summer this year is not what I was expecting but in the months to come I plan to make worth while of the alone time and try to not be depressed I want o enjoy this summer. I’ll make some new friends, find a new hobby or two, who knows maybe I’ll even excersize! This summer will not be as terrible in the end as it was in the beginning I am making my self a promise to make a good experience of this sad summer.